Sam Bither
Sam Bither is pursuing an MPhil in International Relations at the University of Oxford. Originally from New York City, he received his B.A in International Relations from Pomona College. At Oxford, his research focuses on the climate negotiation strategies of small island states, and the evolving landscape of global climate governance.
Sam is excited to be working with the University of the Azores to understand the local impacts of climate change on ocean-reliant communities. His ethnographic research intends to explore how Azorean fishing villages are adapting to a changing climate and declining fish stocks.
US Student Program – Fulbright / Azores Regional Government Open Study/Research Award
Education: MPhil in International Relations, Oxford University, UK
Field of Study: International Relations
Project Title: “The impact of climate change and overfishing on ocean-reliant communities in the Azores”
Host Institution, Location: Universidade dos Açores, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ponta Delgada (S. Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago)
Grant Duration, Starting Date (month): 8 months, starting in October, 2024