Sandra (Sandy) Williams is a predoctoral fellow and Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art Department at University of Michigan (UM). In her dissertation, titled “Mardānagi/ Zanānagi: Gender Representation in Persianate Painting,” she explores how gender is visualized and made legible in pre and early modern manuscripts and objects from the Persianate world.


Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program

Education: PhD in History of Art, University of Michigan (2025);

Field of Study: History of Art

Project Title: “Mardahnagi-Zanahnagi.Gender Representation in Persianate Painting”

Host Institution, Location: Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon

Grant Duration, Starting Date (month): 6 months, starting in May 2023

