Na primeira pessoa, Tatiana Morais partilha connosco a sua experiência Fulbright, 2019-2020.  Ao abrigo da  Bolsa Fulbright para Investigação com o apoio da FCT e no âmbito do seu doutoramento em Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Tatiana passou 4 meses na University of California, Santa Barbara.

«I am very grateful to the Fulbright Commission for the opportunity to spend 4 months at UCSB. This was key to develop new perspectives in my PhD research. Words are not enough to stress how this opportunity enabled professional and personal growth. Everyone at the University and at Fulbright were so welcoming and always so kind and supportive to provide everything an international student needs: academic support and guidance and being welcomed with open arms, making USA our home away from home. Fulbright in especific has regular events to bring together all Fulbrighters in California, which offers the chance to meet other Fulbrighters from around the World who are also studying and researching in the USA. We do become part of a larger community with a responsability to provide positive impact in the World.Thank you Fulbright for this opportunity and thank you for the wonderful Professors Putnam and Gibbs with whom I have learned so much!»




Muito obrigado, Tatiana, and Welcome back!
