Rita Costa
Fulbright Scholar, academic year 2015/2016
My three months stay in the USA was an amazing experience, professionally and personally.
I met fantastic people, I saw extraordinary research programs running for more than 50 years, it was like seeing in vivo what you study in books. Apart from the work I did, a very important issue was the critical mass I had there. Taking altogether this opportunity of being in the USA for three months and have interacted with different researchers from different institutions namely: Clemson University, Kentucky University, Penn State University, State University of New York, The Southern Institute of Forest Genetics and The American Chestnut Foundation, will have a very positive impact in the research program I am leading in Portugal. It will be also extemely important for the scientific community in Portugal due to the transfer of new knowledge and new technologies.
The human and cultural experience was also extraordinary. I like so much the Americans, the way they do things so efficiently, the way they greet each other everyday and the way they feel proud about their country, their University and their football team.
This experience will be a turning point in my life and I will be forever grateful to the Fulbright Commission that made it possible.