Na primeira pessoa,  Rui Mota  partilha connosco a sua experiência Fulbright. Ao abrigo de uma Bolsa Fulbright para Investigação com o apoio do Governo Regional dos Açores  (23/24) e no âmbito do seu doutoramento em ” Volcanology” da Universidade dos Açores, Rui desenvolveu parte da sua pesquisa no United States Geological Survey – Alaska Volcano Observatory e Cascades Volcano Observatory, EUA:


«My time in the United States as a Fulbright scholar was extremely rewarding. It was an unparalleled opportunity to fully immerse myself in a new culture, engage with, and meet remarkable new people.

I was able to cooperate with outstanding researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Observatories in Cascades and Alaska, which enhanced my expertise and paved the way for new projects and future collaborations. Both my PhD and my future as a researcher will benefit greatly from the work I’ve done and the connections I’ve made.

In these photos, I am in the process of preparing a flight to measure gases from the Cook Inlet and Katmai volcanoes, and in the second one, I am monitoring in the USGS Alaska operations room.»



Thank you so much, Rui, and welcome back!
