My Fulbright Experience: Inês Gregório
Na primeira pessoa, Inês Gregório partilha connosco a sua experiência Fulbright. Ao abrigo de uma Bolsa Fulbright para Investigação com o apoio da FCT (21/22) e no âmbito do seu doutoramento em Biologia Marinha da Universidade do Porto, Inês desenvolveu parte da sua pesquisa na University of Rhode Island, RI, EUA.
«This experience was really a period of growth! I never thought that spending only 4 months in the US would have such an impact on me. My adaptation to the US was not the easiest but, being alone in a country so far away from mine, I proved to myself that (once again) I could overcome it and still make the most of my experience there! I felt this gave me confidence and made me grow. I learned a lot about my research topic, but also about the local culture and way of living which helped deconstruct some preconceptions I had about the US.». Inês Gregório
Thank you, Inês, and welcome back!