Na primeira pessoa, Rui Ribeiro partilha connosco a sua experiência no evento “Enrichment Seminar”*, realizado em Cleveland, OH, EUA. Ao abrigo de uma  Bolsa Fulbright para Professores e Investigadores Doutorados (22/23), o investigador da Universidade do Porto encontra-se a desenvolver parte da sua pesquisa na City College of New York, NY, EUA.


«Under the scope of my Fulbright Grant for Professors and Researchers with PhD, I was invited to attend the Fall 2022 Cleveland Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Seminar, which took place in Cleveland, Ohio, from December 7 to December 10, 2022. This event, organized by the Fulbright Program – U.S. Department of State, supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education, and the Cleveland Council on World Affairs, brought together almost 100 Fulbright Scholars from over 50 Countries to discuss climate change and environmental issues through a lens of environmental justice. Additional sub-themes included the impact of climate on natural resources, sustainable land use, journalism’s coverage of environmental issue, and technical solutions. This was an amazing experience, in which I was able to meet dozens of Fulbright Scholars from all around the world. The environment during the Seminar was always positive, friendly, welcoming, and prone to establishing fruitful collaborations.

I was also invited to deliver an oral presentation during the session Climate Change and Technology. It was with utmost pleasure that I accepted the invitation and delivered the presentation entitled “Hydrogen as Energy Vector: Bridging the Gap Between Renewable Electricity Supply and Demand”. I talked about the crucial role hydrogen can have in (i) ensuring the reliability and flexibility of electrical systems based on renewable energy sources; (ii) decarbonizing economies; and (iii) rendering Portugal a green energy exporter country. Moreover, (iv) some technological challenges posed by the possible future massive implementation of hydrogen as energy vector were discussed focusing on the topic of my Fulbright Grant: “Molecular Engineering as a Tool for Developing Enhanced Bifunctional Carbon-Based Electrocatalysts: Towards Effective Application of Hydrogen as Energy Vector”.

The presentation was followed by Q&A and roundtable sessions, where fruitful and enthusiastic discussions were carried out with fellow Fulbrighters with very diverse areas of expertise, such as philosophy, film industry, media, business, food science, and engineering. The whole experience was really enriching!»


Muito obrigada, Rui, pelo testemunho e pelo importante trabalho que está a desenvolver!

*Os Seminários de Enriquecimento realizam-se em várias cidades dos Estados Unidos e têm uma duração de 3-4 dias, sendo uma oportunidade única de networking entre participantes. Estes eventos são um dos benefícios oferecidos pelo Programa Fulbright aos seus bolseiros e bolseiras.


