The Fulbright Portugal Forum is an annual event which goals are to share ideas, foster debate and facilitate contact between Fulbrighters. Focusing on a central topic, current grantees will gather to offer their views and their experience as a result of the projects developed under the aegis of the Fulbright Program.

This year, the framing topic of the Forum will be “Fulbrighters contributions for a Sustainable Future during this time of crisis” – How did your Fulbright experience impacted your knowledge, research, artwork, activism, and your life goals in general in respect to a sustainable development? How is our Fulbright Community, from both sides of the Atlantic, giving back to our Planet?

The event will take place virtually on April 12 at 3pm, Lisbon time, and is open to everyone!

Join us by following this link:


Download the Forum’s Program on the right side of this page.
