Julie Layshock is an associate professor of chemistry who teaches analytical and environmental chemistry at Pacific University Oregon. She researches pollutants in the environment and feels that environmental stewardship is a key part of science education. Julie has a Ph.D. in environmental toxicology from Oregon State University and has been a research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Battelle Memorial Institute. Her recent research evaluates natural treatment systems and their ability to purify water.


US Scholar Program – All Disciplines Award

Position, Home Institution: Assistant Professor, Pacific University, School of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

Field of Study: Chemistry – Analytical Chemistry

Project Title: “Nature-based solutions for pharmaceutical removal from water; measuring uptake in wetland plants”

Host Institution, Location: Universidade do Porto, CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research

Grant Duration, Starting Date (month): 4 months, starting in September 2022

Page: https://www.pacificu.edu/about/directory/people/julie-layshock-phd
