Maria Miguel Castro is a PhD student in Biomedicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto. She has been working on her Ph.D. at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) at the University of Porto, in the group “Cancer Metastasis” supervised by Joana Paredes. Her Ph.D. research project intends to understand if cell-cell adhesion, mediated by the co-expression of two adhesion molecules (E- and P-cadherin), can function as a metastasis-promoter and a candidate to control survival and therapeutic resistance of inflammatory breast cancer cells. As a Visiting Student Researcher in Andrew Ewald’s Lab at Johns Hopkins University, she plans to study the impact of P- and E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in key steps of the inflammatory breast cancer metastatic cascade.

Johns Hopkins University

Grant duration: 4 months
