Yvette Santos
Yvette Santos is a contracted researcher at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and is a PhD in Contemporary History since 2014, with the thesis A Junta Nacional de Emigração e a política de emigração no Estado Novo. She develops a research project entitled A rota Atlântico-Sul: as companhias de navegação nacional e o transporte de emigrantes, and will start a new project about the Portuguese emigrants’ repatriation from Brazil and USA. Her areas of interests are: Transatlantic and European Migration; Emigration policies; Maritime History; Migrants return.
Recent publications: “The Political Police and the Emigration Industry in Portugal During the 1930s”. Journal of Migration History 5 3 (2019): 466-488; “The Portuguese State and its emigrants: policy and practices in the repatriation of the minors”. In Child Migration and biopolitics. Old and New Experiences in Europe, ed. por Scutaru, Beatrice; Paoli, Simone, 183-201. New York, Estados Unidos: Routledge, 2021; Com Díaz Marcilla, Francisco José; Tomás Garcia, Jorge (eds.), Global History,Visual Culture and Itinerancies: Changes and Continuities. Newcastle, Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2021.
Brown University
Grant duration: 5 months